Jeff J. Shi, PhD
Informatics Manager
Project Lead, MIDB Informatics
559 Walter Library
Brief Bio:
Jeff is an ecologist and evolutionary biologist, focusing on phylogenetics, biogeography, macroevolution, and models of trait evolution and speciation/extinction -- primarily in bats, but he has broader experience in other vertebrate clades. At MSI, he specializes in data/workflow management, data visualization, and statistical methods testing/development. He primarily consults on a variety of cyberinfrastructure and biomedical research projects as MSI's Project Lead for the Masonic Institute for the Developing Brain - Informatics Core. He also teaches programming and scripting workshops through MSI and Software Carpentry, and occasionally teaches evolutionary biology courses in the College of Biological Sciences.
- high-performance computing
- data visualization
- statistical methods development
- ecology and evolutionary biology
- phylogenetics and systematics
- diversification models
- biogeography and species distributions
- phylogenetic comparative methods
- shape and trait evolution
- Ph.D., Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Michigan
- B.Sc., Biology, Duke University
Publications and Presentations: