CFANS Plant Pathology
College of Food, Ag & Nat Res Sci
Twin Cities
College of Food, Ag & Nat Res Sci
Twin Cities
Project Title:
Genomic Analysis of Fungal Pathogens
The overall goal of this project is to advance knowledge of the biology and management of fungal plant pathogens. Fungal pathogens cause significant damage and yield loss to soybean and corn in Minnesota and other areas each year. Three of these pathogens, Fusarium virguliforme, Cadophora gregata, and Phyllachora maydis, are especially important as causal agents for damaging plant diseases, biologically interesting, and poorly understood in many ways. Thus, the group's current aim is to use genomic analysis to enhance the understanding of these pathogens.
Project Investigators
Crystal Floyd
Dr. Dean Malvick
Dr. Rodrigo Olarte
Isaac Schmitt
Alexis Shatrau
Jose Solorzano
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