What are the default compiler modules?

MSI regularly updates the default modules for compilers, compilation tools, and commonly used libraries. These updates are intended to provide enhanced performance, stability, and new features to MSI users.

For many modules, MSI has several versions installed. You can see the available versions with the command ‘module avail’, e.g.
module avail gcc
-------------------------------- /panfs/roc/soft/modulefiles.hpc ---------------------------------gcc/8.2.0(default) gcc/9.2.0
------------------------------- /panfs/roc/soft/modulefiles.common -------------------------------
gcc/4.9.2  gcc/5.1.0  gcc/5.4.0  gcc/6.1.0  gcc/6.3.0  gcc/7.2.0(default)  gcc/8.1.0
Here you can see that the default version is specified as gcc/8.2.0 (modulefiles.hpc supercedes the latter). For modules without a specified default version, the last alphabetical version is treated as the default.
When loading a module without specifying a version, the module command will load in the default version of that module, e.g.
module load gcc
is equivalent to the command
module load gcc/8.2.0
MSI recommends that users loading the default versions of these modules recompile any software they have built using these tools in order to take advantage of the newer versions. Alternatively, the old default versions will remain available under their specific version name.
Impacted modules are listed in the table below.
Module Old Default (before 4/3) New Default (4/3 and after)
gcc 7.2.0 8.2.0
pgi 17.10 18.10
binutils 2.28 2.32_gcc8.2.0
ompi 3.0.0/gnu-7.2.0 4.0.0/gnu-8.2.0-centos7
fftw 3.3.6-double-intel-2018 3.3.8-double-ompi-4.0.0-gnu-8.2.0.CentOS7
boost 1.65.1/gnu-7.2.0 1.69.0/gnu-8.2.0
cuda 9.0 10.0
cudnn 7.0 7.4.2
python python3/3.6.3_anaconda5.0.1 python3/3.7.1_anaconda
python3 3.6.3_anaconda5.0.1 3.7.1_anaconda
java jdk1.8.0_144 openjdk-8_202


