Minnesota Supercomputing Institute
2018.release, 2016/update3, 2017/update4, 2018/release, 2019/update1, 2021/release, cluster/2016, cluster/2017, cluster/2018, cluster/2019, cluster/2021
Thursday, September 7, 2023
Fortran, C and C++ Compilers for Linux. The Intel compiler suite includes OpenMP and many standard libraries.
To load the default version of the Intel compilers in a Linux environment run the command:
module load intel
To compile FORTRAN code:
ifort -O3 my.f
icc -O3 my.c
To compile C++ code:
icpc -O3 my.cpp
Documents about the Intel compilers can be found online at: http://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/intel-compilers/
To load the newest installed versions of all software in the Intel Cluster suite use:
module load intel/cluster
Note that the newest installed versions will change as new software is installed, so the intel/cluster module may load different software versions at different times.
#!/bin/bash #SBATCH --job-name="rfm_RunIntelCompilersTest_job" #SBATCH --ntasks=1 #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1 #SBATCH --output=rfm_RunIntelCompilersTest_job.out #SBATCH --error=rfm_RunIntelCompilersTest_job.err #SBATCH --time=0:10:0 #SBATCH -p small,large,ram256g,ram1t module load intel/2018.release wget https://public.s3.msi.umn.edu/reframe/sw/icc/hello.c icc hello.c -o hello; ./hello