Project Title:
University of Minnesota Informatics Institute
The University of MInnesota Informatics Institute (UMII) serves as the link to connect the research community to the services related to managing data across the data life cycle. UMII fosters and accelerates data-intensive research across the University system in agriculture, arts, design, engineering, environment, health, humanities, and social sciences through informatics services, competitive grants, and consultation.
UMII is a partner with MSI in the Research Computing umbrella group.
Project Investigators
Dr. Juan Abrahante Llorens
Suhail Alnahari
Gaurav Behera
Mary Brown
John Garbe
Trevor Gould
Timothy Hendrickson
Dr. Christy Henzler
Adam Herman
Nadia Kane
Ham Lam
Erik Lee
Dr. Benjamin Lynch
Myat Mo
Dr. Thomas Pengo
Ramanakumar Sankar
Guichuan Yu
James Zhang
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