Mangi features a heterogeneous architecture designed to a diversity of job types. You can schedule one or many 128-core nodes as a parallel threaded or MPI job, or request a single processor on a single node for several days. Depending on the partition, your job may have full control of a node or share nodes with other jobs. Other partitions provide access to specialized hardware such as high-memory nodes (up to 2TB of RAM) and NVIDIA V100 GPUs.
See also the documentation for job partitions.
Mangi is most efficiently accessed through a terminal environment. MSI users can follow directions in the Connecting to HPC Resources quick start guide to access Mangi and all other MSI HPC systems. Once connected to Mangi you will be able to submit jobs to Mangi's partitions using scripts with specific Slurm commands also known as Slurm scripts. Mangi should be your first choice for computing at MSI, but Agate is also available.