Assistant Professor Anita Randolph

Medical School
Twin Cities
Project Title: 
Infant and Child fMRI Image Processing

This group is processing diffusion-weighted MRI data through QSIPrep (a processing pipeline). The processed data and associated derivatives will be part of a larger open data framework initiative to make developmental neuroscience data freely available. 

Project Investigators

Oscar Miranda Dominguez
Mackenzie Mitchell
Lucille Moore
Cristian Morales Carrasco
Julia Moser
Michael Myers
Aidan Neher
Tehila Nugiel
Beatrice Ojuri
Tanya Pandhi
Samantha Papadakis
Matthew Peverill
Hannah Pham
Felix Pichardo
Jivesh Ramduny
Bene Ramirez
Assistant Professor Anita Randolph
Jerod Rasmussen
Taylor Rawstern
Paul Reiners
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