Professor Paolo Provenzano

CSENG Biomedical Engineering
College of Science & Engineering
Twin Cities
Project Title: 
Engineering in Oncology

The microenvironment surrounding carcinoma cells influences cell behavior through complex interactions of biochemical factors, matrix architecture, and matrix mechanical properties. This research focuses on understanding the molecular mechanisms by which the stromal extracellular matrix and stromal cell populations influence epithelial cell behavior in cancer. The researchers are particularly interested in how these factors influence disease progression and resistance to therapeutic intervention. They utilize advanced quantitative imaging and cell and matrix mechanics in conjunction with cell and molecular biology techniques and high-throughput technologies to gain a quantitative understanding of cancer cells behavior and develop novel technologies and therapeutic strategies for cancer diagnosis and treatment. Within these areas they utilize experimental techniques, modeling of cell behavior and drug transport, and analysis of large genomic, proteomic, and high-metric-content imaging datasets. MSI resources are used for analysis and to process large datasets and complex models.

Project Investigators

Dr. Juan Abrahante Llorens
Roberto Alonso Matilla
Priyanila Magesh
Professor Paolo Provenzano
Guhan Qian
Emilio Tarcitano
Hongrong Zhang
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