VETMD Vet Population Med
College of Veterinary Medicine
Twin Cities
College of Veterinary Medicine
Twin Cities
Project Title:
Equine and Canine Genetics and Genomics
The equine genetics and genomics laboratory works on a variety of genome tools and disease-focused genomics projects in horses and dogs, and uses both species as a biomedical model. The group's current projects are:
- Development of a imputation resource for the domestic horse
- Novel tools for the diagnosis of Mendelian genetic diseases in the horse
- Understanding the pathophysiology of energy dysregulation in Type 1 Polysaccharide Storage Myopathy
- Genetic basis of Equine Metabolic Syndrome
- Identification of genetic polymorphisms in the Standardbred horse underlying recurrent exertional rhabdomyolysis, osteochondrosis, exercise-induced cardiac arrhythmias, gait (pace), and performance
- Recurrent exertional rhabdomyolysis in the Thoroughbred and Standardbred horse
- Equine transcriptomics
- Metabolic phenotypes of equine adipose tissue depots
- Metabolomics in equine metabolic syndrome
- Pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction
- Discovering the genetic causes of diseases in Doberman dogs
- Developing a genetic prediction assay for autism assistance dogs informed by family needs
Project Investigators
Dr. Juan Abrahante Llorens
Em Adam
Sam Beeson
Kendall Blanchard
Jonah Cullen
Lily Curlin
Kirsten Dimmler
Dr. Sian Durward-Akhurst
Ella Frake
Hayden Hamsher
Emma Hilby
Lauren Hughes
Jillian Marlowe
Professor Molly McCue
Elaine Norton
Adjunct Professor Aaron Rendahl
Claire Shaw
Kelsey Springer
Nicole Tate
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