Professor David Masopust PhD

Project Title: 
Resident Memory T Cells

Our current understanding of immunology was largely defined in laboratory mice because of experimental advantages including inbred homogeneity, tools for genetic manipulation, and tractable models. Comparably reductionist experiments are neither technically nor ethically possible in humans. Despite revealing many fundamental principals of immunology, there is growing concern that mice fail to capture relevant aspects of the human immune system, which may account for failures to translate disease treatments from bench to bedside. Laboratory mice live in abnormally hygienic “specific pathogen free” (SPF) barrier facilities. These researchers are showing that the standard practice of laboratory mouse husbandry has profound effects on the immune system and that environmental changes result in better recapitulation of features of adult humans. Laboratory mice lack effector-differentiated and mucosally distributed memory T cells, so more closely resemble neonatal than adult humans. These cell populations were present in free-living barn populations of feral mice, pet-store mice with diverse microbial experience, and were induced in laboratory mice after co-housing with pet-store mice, suggesting a role for environment. Consequences of altering mouse housing profoundly impacted the cellular composition of the innate and adaptive immune system and resulted in global changes in blood cell gene expression patterns that more closely aligned with immune signatures of adult humans rather than neonates, altered the mouse’s resistance to infection, and impacted T cell differentiation to a de novo viral infection. These data highlight the impact of environment on the basal immune state and response to infection and suggest that restoring physiological microbial exposure in laboratory mice could provide a relevant tool for modeling immunological events in free-living organisms, including humans.  

Project Investigators

Dr. Juan Abrahante Llorens
Jax Dunning
Noah Gavil
Trevor Gould
Joseph Guter
Julia Jackson
Professor David Masopust PhD
Courtney Matson
Stephen O'flanagan
Wendy Phillips
Clare Quarnstrom
Milcah Scott
Frances Shepherd
Olivia Smith
Andrew Soerens
Michael Stolley
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