Professor Hubert Lim

Medical School
Twin Cities
Project Title: 
Neural Engineering and Computation

The goal of this lab is to push the development and translation of neural interfaces and medical technologies from scientific concept into clinical application with close collaboration with clinicians and industry. Initial medical applications focus on treating hearing loss, tinnitus, and pain. The researchers utilize a range of invasive and noninvasive technologies and approaches including electrical stimulation, ultrasound imaging and stimulation, EEG, and invasive neural recordings in animals and humans to rapidly push technology into the clinical and consumer realm. The lab consists of both animal facilities and human testing space to perform proof-of-concept experiments that can then be developed and tested in pilot human studies, followed by further scientific and translational research to achieve confirmatory clinical trials and commercialization.

The group uses MSI to perform large-scale neural data analyses as well as create and run computation modeling (e.g, COMSOL) for characterizing energy stimulation fields (e.g., electrical, ultrasound), and use NEURON/neural modeling programs. They also perform large-scale genomic/RNA-seq analyses.

Research by this group was featured on the MSI website in August 2022: Splenic Ultrasound to Treat Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Project Investigators

Zohara Cohen
Adam Herman
Professor Hubert Lim
Justin Runde
Christopher Tignanelli
Man Tsui
Maryam Zebarjadi
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