Dr. Junaed Sattar

CSENG Computer Science & Eng
College of Science & Engineering
Twin Cities
Project Title: 
Vision-Based Interactive Field Robotics

This group is working on several research projects focusing on computational aspects of field robotics and human interaction. Particular focus is on deep learning for underwater HRI and state estimation for robots, underwater trash detection, and image enhancement for underwater visual navigation.

Project Investigators

Sohan Addagudi
Amitabha Deb
Chelsey Edge
Sadman Sakib Enan
Corey Knutson
Demetrious Kutzke
Rishi Mukherjee
Dr. Junaed Sattar
Sakshi Singh
Elizabeth Terveen
Hari Veeramallu
David Widhalm
Ying-Kun Wu
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