Professor Chris Hogan

CSENG Mechanical Engineering
College of Science & Engineering
Twin Cities
Project Title: 
Particle Science and Technology

This group's research is broadly focused on the physics and chemistry governing aerosols (particle- / droplet-laden gas flows). Current work focuses on the application of aerosol technology in advanced manufacturing, as well as in developing new methods to characterize nanoparticle size, shape, and surface properties. Recent projects include:

  • Fundamental studies of nanoparticles and microparticles in supersonic flows to understand super aerosol deposition coating processes and to understand particle impact damage on hypersonic flight vehicles, which require the use of MSI for fluid dynamics simulations (usually ANSYS Fluent and Open FOAM)

  • The design of compressible flow inertial concentrators for aerosol particle sampling (requiring CFD with Open FOAM)

  • Fundamental investigation into particle formation growth in high temperature and non-equilibrium (plasma) environments which require the use of MSI for Monte Carlo simulations (written in-house)

  • The application of ion mobility - mass spectrometry (IM-MS) to examine vapor sorption by nanometer scale clusters, which requires MSI for Molecular Dynamics Simulations (LAMMPS and in-house written codes)

  • The analysis of electrostatic air pollution collectors, which requires the use of MSI for coupled fluid flow-mass transfer and electrostatic calculations (with OpenFOAM)

Project Investigators

Hasan Al Tarify
Austin Andrews
Rahaf Bahajry
Nathan Bellefeuille
Aayushi Bohrey
Qingqing Fu
Professor Chris Hogan
Susmita Islam
Joseph Kangas
Li Li
Abdullah Al Mehedi
Jose Moran
Abhilash Ojha
Bernard Olson
Joe Poehlmann
Ioannis Pothos
Georgia Robles
Tomoya Tamadate
Yue Weng
Yibo Zhao
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