
CBS Ecology, Evolution & Behav
College of Biological Sciences
Twin Cities
Project Title: 
Ecosystems Ecology

This group's research focuses on three main areas:

  • The influence of changes in atmospheric composition and climate on ecosystem processes
  • The effects of urbanization and suburbanization on biogeochemical cycles
  • The influence of plant species on biogeochemical processes

In the area of global change, this research aims to understand how global nutrient cycles affect carbon cycling; how variation in biodiversity, atmospheric carbon dioxide, nitrogen inputs, warming, and precipitation influence grassland ecosystems; and how warming alters community and ecosystem processes at the southern boreal-temperate forest ecotone. In the area of urban ecology, the researchers are studying the effects of urban and suburban development on biogeochemical cycling. In particular they are focusing on quantifying sources of nutrient pollutants to subwatersheds of the Mississippi River and how nutrients move from land to stormwater. They are also studying the role of human choices in both creating and solving urban environmental problems. In all of this work, the influence of plants on soils is an underyling theme.

Research by this group was featured on the MSI website in May 2017: Tracking Pollution Sources in Urban Water Systems.

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