Xiao Dong

Genetics, Cell Biol, Dev MEDXX
Medical School
Twin Cities
Project Title: 
Single-Cell Sequencing

The general interest of the Dong Laboratory is discovering casual mechanisms of human aging. Currently the lab is focused on testing the mutation theory of aging: if accumulation of DNA mutations in normal somatic cells is a causal mechanism to age-related functional decline. They are approaching this by developing and applying state-of-the-art single-cell multi-omics technologies and machine learning algorithms.

Project Investigators

Josh Bartz
Xiao Dong
Kidus Hailemariam
Storm Hartos
Hannim Jung
Meiyi Li
Xiao Ma
Shamsed Mahmud
Xianzhe Que
Paola Rivera
Anthony Shea
Elijah Torbenson
Chuwei Xia
Yiwei Zhao
Chen Zheng
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