Associate Professor Yaniv Brandvain

CBS Plant/Microbial Biology
College of Biological Sciences
Twin Cities
Project Title: 
Plant Speciation and Evolution

This group studies plant evolution and genomics. Current research focuses on two groups - rosinweed (Silphium spp) and Clarkia. Most of the group's current and ongoing efforts focus around the population genomics of Clarkia xantiana and the researchers are currently resequencing 100 genomes of this species.

Research by this group was featured on the MSI website in January 2023: Genetic Linkage Map of Silphium.


Project Investigators

Associate Professor Yaniv Brandvain
Rachel Edidin
Adam Herman
Kyle Keepers
Quinn Langdon
Manisha Munasinghe
Kelsey Peterson
John Hill Price
Andy Raduski
Shelley Sianta
Lia Thomson
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