MSI held the ninth annual Research Exhibition on April 17, 2018. The event included a panel discussion about careers in HPC-related fields, presentations by industry representatives about current and emerging technologies, and a judged poster session. A new feature this year was the chance to see movies and visualizations created by MSI users at our newly remodeled Visualization Lab. Attendees were also able to take tours of MSI’s machine room.
Thank you to our sponsors!
Platinum level
PIER Group in partnership with Hewlett Packard Enterprise
Gold level
Silver level
Sponsor level
Emu Technology
Panel Discussion Participants
Emu Technology
Hewlett Packard Enterprise
Industry Presentations
Emu Technology
Hewlett Packard Enterprise
Poster Session
Posters by MSI users competed in one of two categories, Biological and Medical Sciences and Physical Sciences and Engineering. A judging panel of MSI faculty PIs selected three Finalists from each group. From these Finalists, they then selected a Grand Prize winner for each category.
Biological and Medical Sciences
Grand Prize Winner (travel award of $2,000):
Daily microbiome-diet correspondence in healthy individuals
Authors: Abigail Johnson, Pajau Vangay, Ben Hillmann, Gabe Al-Ghalith, Dan Knights
Principal Investigator: Dan Knights (BioTechnology Institute; Computer Science and Engineering)
Finalists (travel awards of $1,000):
Exploring the "microbial dark matter" through large-scale genomics
Authors: Senthil Murugapiran, Trinity Hamilton
Principal Investigator: Trinity Hamilton (Plant and Microbial Biology)
Single nucleotide polymorphism variation in the equine population
Authors: Sian A. Durward-Akhurst, R.J. Schaefer, J.R. Mickelson, Molly E. McCue
Principal Investigator: Molly E. McCue (Veterinary Population Medicine)
Physical Sciences and Engineering posters
Grand Prize Winner (travel award of $2,000):
Smoke dynamics in microgravity: Preventing spacecraft fires through modeling and simulation
Authors: Everett A. Wenzel, Mckenzie Robida, Sean C. Garrick
Principal Investigator: Sean C. Garrick (Mechanical Engineering)
Finalists (travel awards of $1,000):
Multi-predator interactions shape a dynamic landscape of fear
Authors: Meredith S. Palmer, Craig Packer
Principal Investigator: Craig Packer (Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior)
Numerical experiments of volcanic dominated rifts and passive margins
Authors: Megan Korchinski, Christian Teyssier, Patrice Rey, Donna Whitney, Max Bezada, Luke Mondy
Principal Investigator: Donna Whitney (Earth Sciences)
Thank you to the Poster Session judges!
Peter Bitterman (Medicine)
Kathryn Bushley (Plant and Microbial Biology)
Sean Garrick (Mechanical Engineering)
Wei Pan (Biostatistics)
Tim Starr (Obstetrics and Gynecology)
Christian Teyssier (Earth Sciences)
Image description: Panel discussion on careers in HPC during the 2018 MSI Research Exhibition. Left to right: Claudia Neuhauser, Director of Research Computing, panel moderator (leaning on podium); Lerone LaTouche, Lenovo (standing); Guy Adams, Dell EMC; Gilles Eggenspieler, ANSYS; David Sallak, Panasas; Shannon Kuntz, Emu Technology; Michael Raymond, Hewlett Packard Enterprise.
posted on April 19, 2018